Our park held Canada Day celebrations on June 28th, 29th, 30th and July 1st.   We had games of shuffleboard, ring toss and darts.   There was a great crowd that participated in all of those games and had a wonderful time.

On June 29th there was a potluck supper held at the Rec Centre where there was seventy-two people in attendance..  We also had some American friends visiting our park, they were very excited they were able to attend our potluck supper. They tried many of our Newfoundland dishes and loved them all  and was amazed to see so much food. It was a great evening for all.

On Sunday Morning June 30th, the parks regular scheduled gospel music morning was held.

On Monday July 1st, we had our Canada Day celebrations.   People came out dressed for Canada Day and we all paraded around the park.  The weather was quite cool but that didn’t dampen the spirits of those in attendance to show their pride for our country.

We then returned to the Rec  Centre for some Cake and Refreshments.   It was another great weekend at our park.  Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make Canada Day weekend such a success.