Labour Day Weekend 2019, was another great event. The Divan had the annual visit to the park. On Friday night a meet and greet was held at the Rec Centre it was filled to capacity. Potentate Sir Robert Barrett took the time to shake the hand of everyone in attendance. There were presentations given to the potentate from fundraisers that was held here at the park during the summer.
There was a special quest in attendance, that have experienced what shriners do when you so badly need them. Malcolm Hollett had a skiing accident in Clarenvile and was told that he would never walk again. His parents did not settle for that and reached out to the Shriners for help, within a couple days he was put on a flight to Philadelphia to the Shriners Hospital for Spinal Injuries. Malcolm endured many days Therapy and other test but was able to get movement back in his legs and was able to stand on the stage at the Rec Centre to tell his story. To hear him speak brought tears to those in attendance. Thanks Malcolm for getting the word for what Shriners do for Children.
Our weekly Coffee morning was also held on Saturday to a packed Rec Centre.
Shuffleboard tournament was held through the day as well, there were also many in attendance to take part.
At 2pm everyone gathered once again at the Rec Centre for Lunch. Once again another Packed Rec Centre.
Soup, Chili, Desserts, tea, and coffee was served. This was all prepared and served by the seasonal Patrons of the park. A big Thank You to everyone who made this meal a huge success.
On Saturday night a Shriners Benefit Concert was held at the Beaches Heritage Centre. There was many in attendance there as well, and we were all entertained by some great performers. Thanks to Shriner Noble Walter Pinsent and his Lady Norma Pinsent for organizing such a great concert. All monies raised from this event got to the Shriners Patient Transportation Fund.
On Sunday Our Gospel Morning was held, the Divan also attended. Once again a crowd gathered in support of our gospel singers from the park.
On Sunday night a extra gospel singing was held and that also brought a crowd.
To sum the weekend up it was great one and everyone had a wonderful time. The Money raised at the park this year was simply amazing. Thanks to everyone for their support for our children. Your contribution will give some child the opportunity to travel to one of the Shriners Hospital.